Thursday, September 1, 2011

Workout and Shopping

As hinted at in an earlier post, we ride our bikes around town quite frequently.  Caleb's college car died and was donated to UGM last year, so when we got married, "my car" became "our car".

Unfortunately, it had a rather short life as "our car".  Maybe it was somehow payback from the car for having to drag a pair of boots and a pair of shoes from the wedding in Renton all the way to Seattle and the Olympic Peninsula, across two ferries, onto foreign soil (Canada), back again on another ferry, back to Renton, then on to Spokane (the boots were last seen still attached to the car, in a rather shredded state, at the Costco gas pump in Spokane).

But regardless, on July 6th our car was totaled in a small accident with Caleb driving responsibly at 25mph through our little town.  Another driver just didn't see him and turned left from a cross-street directly in front of Caleb, causing him to hit her car.  No one was injured, thankfully, and Caleb was even able to share with the other driver about the gospel.  The driver's insurance company was really wonderful to work with, and it ended up being a huge blessing because we received a check from them for double what my parents and I had paid for it when I bought it used a couple of years ago.  

Following the accident, we had quite the schedule of events and trips, so we delayed looking for a car until we were back in town the second week of August.  And we are still looking....and biking!  We have had quite the journey so far of learning how to "read" a car and its owner, searching Craigslist daily, borrowing cars to look for cars, remaining firm despite pushy salesmen, doing our blue book and consumer report research, and calling the police to report sellers who almost scammed us.  Thanks to my Dad for giving us a list of warning signs to look for in a Craigslist car, and thanks to my in-laws for letting us borrow their cars so frequently!  The car God wants us to have will show up in His timing.  We would appreciate your prayers, as all of the sudden, winter seems not so far away!

We have also gotten to sharpen our backpack packing skills as well as balancing skills - when we go grocery shopping.  Today, we biked home from the grocery store with 36 pounds of food on our persons (including 4 jars of tomato sauce, a dozen eggs, and five whole cantaloupe among other things)!

We celebrated our achievement by testing out the Fry Daddy someone gave us as a wedding present.  We had never used one before, but we discovered it is way too easy to make homemade, deep-fried french fries.


  1. I love your homey updates! And your blog is beautiful - where did you get such a gorgeous template? I only know how to use the standard blogger ones!

  2. Thanks, Amber! I got my template from .
