Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Right this Way, Please: A Tour of Our Home

We have had the privilege of hosting overnight guests in our home on four occasions so far, but if you weren’t one of the “lucky few”, let me take you on a tour (and phone in your reservation soon!)

Before we got married, we spent a significant amount of time researching where we should live.  As there are very few apartments in Deer Park, we thought we would have to rent one in North Spokane (25 minutes South) and commute to Deer Park.  However, at just the right time, God opened up a spacious, double-wide manufactured home for rent in our price range in a convenient location in Deer Park.  We can easily bike (or walk) anywhere in town, including the church where we attend and Caleb works at.  For reasons that will become apparent in a later blog post, this has been a HUGE blessing! 

Our front porch (no, Tim doesn't live with us, but he did visit!)

Living Room and Front Door
China Cabinet
Nook off of the living room
Built-in China Cabinet (in-between the living room nook and dining room nook)
Dining Room
Laundry Area!
Bedroom window
Guest Bedroom (which also doubles as a sewing room and soon-to-be-office in the part of the room you can't see)
Caleb's favorite feature of the house - the built-in stereo/cassette player (above the microwave) that  plays through speakers located throughout the house
And saving the best for last, here is my favorite room in the house!

From the Other Side of the Mountains

Greetings!  I have long been intending to begin a blog for a few reasons and here I am finally taking action.  My reasons are as follows:
1. I want to stay in closer contact with family and friends, particularly those whom I recently left behind in Western Washington by way of my trek over the mountains (if you had seen how much “stuff” I brought with me, you would agree with my word choice of trek). 
2. I have been inspired by friends' blogs and have enjoyed the ability to keep up with their lives in a way somehow more down-to-earth and authentic than Facebook.
3.  As referenced above, I have found Facebook to be rather limiting, even though I still think it can be a useful tool and I plan on keeping mine.  To over-generalize, Facebook at times seems nothing more than a collection of variations on “pat me on the back for doing so well at such-and-such” or “have a pity party with me about this awful thing that happened”.  Relating such short snippets of life through wall posts sometimes paints a rather truncated picture that can be misleading or ambiguous. I have found myself posting less and less on Facebook for this reason.  Because of this, I am resolving to try my hand at blog-writing so that I can tell more of the story!  I also love the fact that pictures and text can be interspersed in a blog format.

A note about the blog title (Motifs of Home):
If you have known me for any length of time, you probably realize that music is an important part of my life.  A musical motif is an element that recurs numerous times throughout a musical composition, whether it is a certain rhythm, melody, or grouping of notes.  In other words, it is a theme of some sort.  With this definition in mind, I anticipate this blog being a collection of my anecdotes on the various “motifs” of our home life – cooking, sewing, hosting, music-playing, gardening, etc.