Today I am 8 months old!
Often I get to go on a jog with my parents. The breeze through the stroller keeps me cool in the bright morning sun. I like to play with the straps in the stroller as I ride.
Breakfast is next - I get to munch on some fruit, and often veggies too! I have yet to meet a vegetable I don't like... green beans are my current favorite.
After breakfast, I usually take a morning nap at around 9 am. Mom scrambles around the house trying to get ahead on some dinner prep and then squeezes in as much work in her office as she can. Sometimes I like to surprise her and take a 30 minute cat nap, but usually I'll sleep for an hour to an hour and a half.
After I get up, I try to help Mom out with some chores. I enjoy lending a hand with the laundry as she switches the clothes around or hangs my diapers up to dry.
Mom will wear me while she waters the plants or vacuums. I'd rather be up with her than on the floor any day when that noisy monster of a vacuum cleaner comes out of the closet!
I do love reading books. Storytime at the library is my top outing of the week.
If I stay awake long enough before my afternoon nap, I get to eat lunch with Mom and Dad too. I'm learning how to feed myself, although I'm much better at stuffing my mouth full than I am at actually chewing and swallowing. I'm working on it!
Around one, I usually get sleepy and take another nap. When I get up this time, Mom and I usually go for walk to the post office to get the mail. Sometimes we take the stroller and sometimes, she wears me so that she can show me around the park - I especially like to touch the bark on trees! The swings are nearby, but I'm much more interested in watching the other kids on the swings than in swinging myself.
I'm pretty clever at getting out of my carseat if I'm not buckled in! Look what I did when Mom's back was turned!
If it is hot enough outside, sometimes I get to go swimming in the free pool right across the street! Sometimes I get sleepy late in the afternoon and will take a short nap while Mom gets dinner ready. Other times I find it more enjoyable to hang out with her and see what is going on!
After dinner, I usually get to spend some time with Dad. I laugh at his funny voices, big motions, and goofy antics. Before long, it's time for my bedtime routine of pajamas, milk, toothbrush, Bible story, and bed.
Watch out world, I bet I'll be crawling by the time I write again!
If it is hot enough outside, sometimes I get to go swimming in the free pool right across the street! Sometimes I get sleepy late in the afternoon and will take a short nap while Mom gets dinner ready. Other times I find it more enjoyable to hang out with her and see what is going on!
After dinner, I usually get to spend some time with Dad. I laugh at his funny voices, big motions, and goofy antics. Before long, it's time for my bedtime routine of pajamas, milk, toothbrush, Bible story, and bed.
Watch out world, I bet I'll be crawling by the time I write again!
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