I usually wake up in the morning between 6:30 and 7:30. I order breakfast pronto, taking frequent breaks to talk with my Dad. If he's not nearby, I crane my neck to look around the room to find him. He sure knows how to make me laugh!
As soon as I'm done with breakfast, we usually go on a walk to the gym. Most of the time, I am pretty content to stay in my carseat while I'm there because it is so fascinating to watch all the arms and legs moving rapidly above me.
By the time we get home, I'm ready for a nap. I'm given my pacifier and favorite blanket and one of my parents reads me a book.
Nap time! Sometimes, I manage to pull my blanket over my head. Once I fall asleep, Mom works in her office, which is in my room! They hang a blanket over the side of my crib so I can't see her.
When I get up, I usually get a diaper change. Aren't my diapers snazzy?
My favorite part about diaper changes is that afterwards, my Mom lets me look at the quilt that is on the wall next to the changing table. It is fascinating and I like to touch all the different patterns.
Later in the day, I might spend a little time in my jumparoo my friend gave me. Man, I sure get hopping in that thing.
Sometimes, home can get too quiet for me! I love being places with lots of people and action, like the gym, the middle school cafeteria where my parents volunteer, outdoors, and in church during the music. I am also quite curious. I especially am intrigued with watching food disappear into people's mouths, books and paper that crinkles, and lamps. I recently knocked my Mom's book right off the couch! Here I am studying the lamp on my changing table.
Books are quite interesting too.
I sure do enjoy having Dad home in the evening! Here he is reading a bedtime story.
Well, thanks for reading!
Oh my gosh Elisa! He is so cute!!!!