Friday, July 19, 2013

Tim's Visit Through Pictures

My youngest brother, Tim, came for a 2 week visit to Deer Park!  We enjoyed spending time with him and having an excuse to go on more adventures.  I'll share some of the pictures we took while he was here.

The classic Radio Flyer Wagon slide at Riverfront Park

Enjoying the fountains at Spokane's Riverfront Park

Picnic with the extended Stapp family in Sandpoint, Idaho

Beating the heat indoors playing Settlers of Catan

Climbing trees after strawberry picking

Micah's first lake experience in Sandpoint

Micah watching the chickens at the strawberry farm
What a mess!
Micah's first farm fresh strawberry

Tim's first time cherry picking
On a walk
Touring the gardens at Manito Park

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A day in the life of Micah: 8 Months!

Today I am 8 months old!  

The summer sun usually wakes me up between 6:30-7:00 am and I chatter nonsensical syllables until my mom rescues me from my crib.  At the moment, my Uncle Tim is visiting so I get to play with him in the early morning! 

Often I get to go on a jog with my parents.  The breeze through the stroller keeps me cool in the bright morning sun. I like to play with the straps in the stroller as I ride.  

Breakfast is next - I get to munch on some fruit, and often veggies too!  I have yet to meet a vegetable I don't like... green beans are my current favorite. 

After breakfast, I usually take a morning nap at around 9 am. Mom scrambles around the house trying to get ahead on some dinner prep and then squeezes in as much work in her office as she can.  Sometimes I like to surprise her and take a 30 minute cat nap, but usually I'll sleep for an hour to an hour and a half.  

After I get up, I try to help Mom out with some chores.  I enjoy lending a hand with the laundry as she switches the clothes around or hangs my diapers up to dry.  

Mom will wear me while she waters the plants or vacuums.  I'd rather be up with her than on the floor any day when that noisy monster of a vacuum cleaner comes out of the closet!  

I do love reading books.  Storytime at the library is my top outing of the week.  

If I stay awake long enough before my afternoon nap, I get to eat lunch with Mom and Dad too.  I'm learning how to feed myself, although I'm much better at stuffing my mouth full than I am at actually chewing and swallowing.  I'm working on it!

Around one, I usually get sleepy and take another nap.  When I get up this time, Mom and I usually go for walk to the post office to get the mail.  Sometimes we take the stroller and sometimes, she wears me so that she can show me around the park - I especially like to touch the bark on trees!  The swings are nearby, but I'm much more interested in watching the other kids on the swings than in swinging myself.  

I'm pretty clever at getting out of my carseat if I'm not buckled in! Look what I did when Mom's back was turned!

If it is hot enough outside, sometimes I get to go swimming in the free pool right across the street!  Sometimes I get sleepy late in the afternoon and will take a short nap while Mom gets dinner ready.  Other times I find it more enjoyable to hang out with her and see what is going on!

After dinner, I usually get to spend some time with Dad. I laugh at his funny voices, big motions, and goofy antics.  Before long, it's time for my bedtime routine of pajamas, milk, toothbrush, Bible story, and bed.

Watch out world, I bet I'll be crawling by the time I write again!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Recipes

I have some summer recipes to share with you, but first I have a few pictures from our day.  Today we both took the day off from work as last week was incredibly busy for us and Caleb had worked for eight straight days.  It was great to have a day where to we didn't have to be anywhere.  After a sit-down breakfast of whole-wheat blueberry pancakes, we leisurely read and did a few light chores around the house.  We had plans to work outside in the yard, but it poured rain most of the day.  Instead, we went on an umbrella walk and ended up at the library.  We took shelter there and sat down for a while browsing through the new book section.  We ended up checking out several books because we had holds to pick up, so on the walk home we carefully tried to shelter the books, which were thankfully stowed in a sturdy plastic bag.  Our clothes were pretty wet, but Micah and books arrived dry!

While Micah napped, we munched on sandwiches while watching a movie from the library on Caleb's laptop on our covered porch.  When the rain let up, Caleb planted our last garden starts (miniature bell peppers, banana peppers, basil, and cucumbers).  After a while, he disappeared with the car and came back with a surprise for me: some marked-down flowers and potting soil!  He got some ceramic pots (and one unused camping cooking pot!) out of the shed and we planted some flower pots to decorate our porch.  Caleb didn't let the rain stop him from grilling either  - here is our dinner and Micah posing with his dinner of nectarine, potato, and asparagus.

We also tried out a recipe for a light, summery
potato salad that Caleb tried as a sample at the grocery store the other day.  The recipe is posted below.  At my request, Caleb roasted some marshmallows for us over the coals in the grill - they tasted almost as good as the campfire variety!  Now, on to the recipes.

Tangy Fruit Salad
These fruits keep their shape and color well which is helpful when making the salad ahead of time, but other fruits can be substituted based on what you have on hand.  Last time I added diced mango, which was delicious (although there was lots of extra "juice").  
Strawberries, sliced (or blueberries)
Grapes, halved
Canteloupe or honeydew melon, cubed
Kiwi, sliced
6 oz container lemon flavored yogurt
Mix ingredients together and chill.

Basil Potato Salad 
I made several substitutions based on what I had on hand - see my notes.
Red potatoes, cubed and cooked (I used russets)
Shallots, chopped (I used red onion)
Fresh basil leaves, chopped
Grape tomatoes, halved (I used diced "normal" tomatoes)
Olive oil
White wine vinegar (I used plain white vinegar, although I'm sure it wasn't as flavorful)
Salt and pepper to taste
Mix first four ingredients together and add olive oil, vinegar, and seasonings to taste.  Chill before serving.

Dairy-Free Ice Cream 
Commercial dairy-free ice creams and sorbets are quite expensive, so I was pleased to find a cheaper alternative.  It is deliciously creamy!  This recipe is also a good alternative for those of you (particularly pregnant women and young children) who are concerned about consuming raw egg products traditionally found in homemade ice cream.
1 can coconut milk (full-fat)
1 1/4 cup dairy-free milk (rice or soy)
1/2 cup sugar
1 Tbs. vanilla
Whisk ingredients together in a bowl until blended, then chill for 2 hours or more before turning in an ice cream maker.  Follow manufacturer's directions for operating the ice cream maker.  After the ice cream is frozen, mix in your add ins - mint extract, candy, fresh fruit or jam, etc.  For a hard ice cream, place ice cream in the freezer for an additional several hours.  Makes one quart.

Monday, June 17, 2013

What's been cooking lately...

I've had a request from a few people to share some of my recipes.

I feel like I have spent a significant amount of time researching recipes over the past few years, but don't have much to show for it!  Anyone else feel that way?  The internet gives me way too many choices, and I usually spend more time than is necessary searching for the best version of whatever it is I want to make.

As I think back over the two years we've been married so far, I realize that my menu-planning has been through several stages. In the honeymoon stage, I fumbled my way through trying to plan recipes that would appeal to both of our tastes and mostly made recipes from my trusty recipe box that I assembled growing up.  I baked a lot of breads and desserts because that's what new homemakers do, and I packed my husband elaborate lunches that dirtied up 11 different tupperware containers of all shapes and size for one meal.  That was a fun stage, but quite time-consuming!   Once I'd settled in a little more, I started trying a whole bunch of recipes for things I had never made before that sounded delicious, frequenting blogs like The Pioneer Woman.  I turned out chicken cordon bleu, alfredo sauce, cajun chicken pasta, fried chicken, chow mein, clam chowder, and coconut cream pie.  Then I began to realize why I didn't grow up eating these dishes...I had never used so much butter or heavy cream in my life, and it started to take its toll!

Then I entered the penny-pinching stage and filled my time scouring the web for coupons, sales, and cheap recipes.  I tried my hand at planning meals by month and doing one big grocery shop a month.  By the last ten days of those months, we would be out of bread and vegetables and milk and would live on spaghetti!  This phase was followed by the morning-sickness phase (don't remember what we ate but it wasn't fancy!), the eating-healthy-because-I'm-growing-a-baby-second-trimester phase, and the I'm-always-hungry-third-trimester phase.  Once we woke up from the sleep-deprived fog when Micah was two months old, we started a healthy eating phase that we're still riding the wave of.  The past few months have had me experimenting with my diet to help pinpoint some food sensitives for Micah, so I've delved into dairy-free cooking, with some short stints of cooking without eggs, nuts, gluten, soy, etc.  It has been a challenge at times to find recipes that don't use the offensive ingredients, aren't expensive, and provide some variety.

Well, now you are thoroughly bored.  Time to move on to a few recipes.

For those of you looking for weight watcher's recipes, my favorite go-to blog is Skinny Taste.
We've liked most of the recipes we've tried from that site.  Our favorite has been
Crockpot Santa Fe Chicken.
It's flavorful (cilantro adds some zip) and reheats well.  The recipe suggests serving it over rice, but we often use it to top a dinner-size salad.
We also love the Cajun Chicken Pasta on the Lighter Side.  It is very filling and is spicy hot!  The recipe calls for light cream cheese, but I just used plain yogurt because that is what I had on hand, and it worked well both times I tried it.
The Baked Potato Soup is surprisingly delicious too...don't tell your family until after they have tried it, but most of the soup is comprised of cauliflower instead of potatoes.  We topped ours with a few fake bacon bits instead of the real bacon that is called for, and it was still yummy.  We added extra crunch by topping each bowl with a generous portion of fresh chopped onions.  This recipe calls for light sour cream, but again, I substituted plain yogurt with no ill effect.
Our least favorite recipe from this site is the Zucchini Enchiladas.  Tortillas stuffed with soggy zucchini.

Just a few nights ago, we tried this Italian Turkey Soup.  Ground turkey and italian seasoning make a delicious soup that reminds me of minestrone.  I threw in 2 cups of shredded zucchini I had in the freezer and a little pasta and it helped thicken it up.

Caleb loves BBQ pork sandwiches, but the last time we made them there was so much fat on the pork roast that I wanted to try something different.  This Pulled Chicken Sandwich recipe was pretty good and is much leaner.

For a sweet treat, we love this Banana Bread recipe.  I couldn't tell it doesn't have oil or butter in it (applesauce is used instead).

Side note: you probably know that applesauce can be used as a substitute for oil and eggs.  I've discovered it doesn't work quite as well when you are making a recipe for applesauce muffins that calls for applesauce already, and then you replace the oil and eggs called for with additional applesauce.  That is not a muffin, that is flour and applesauce combined.  The end.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Day in the Life of Micah: 4 months

Life has changed alot since I last wrote when I was two weeks old.  For one, I don't sleep in a cradle anymore, I have my own place at the other end of the house!  It is much more spacious, but the room service is significantly slower!
I usually wake up in the morning between 6:30 and 7:30.  I order breakfast pronto, taking frequent breaks to talk with my Dad.  If he's not nearby, I crane my neck to look around the room to find him.  He sure knows how to make me laugh!
As soon as I'm done with breakfast, we usually go on a walk to the gym.  Most of the time, I am pretty content to stay in my carseat while I'm there because it is so fascinating to watch all the arms and legs moving rapidly above me.
By the time we get home, I'm ready for a nap.  I'm given my pacifier and favorite blanket and one of my parents reads me a book.
Nap time!  Sometimes, I manage to pull my blanket over my head.  Once I fall asleep, Mom works in her office, which is in my room!  They hang a blanket over the side of my crib so I can't see her.
When I get up, I usually get a diaper change.  Aren't my diapers snazzy?

My favorite part about diaper changes is that afterwards, my Mom lets me look at the quilt that is on the wall next to the changing table.  It is fascinating and I like to touch all the different patterns.
After another meal, I have to do my least favorite activity: tummy time.  Who cares about rolling over? I'm not interested yet.

Later in the day, I might spend a little time in my jumparoo my friend gave me.  Man, I sure get hopping in that thing.
Sometimes, home can get too quiet for me!  I love being places with lots of people and action, like the gym, the middle school cafeteria where my parents volunteer, outdoors, and in church during the music.      I am also quite curious.  I especially am intrigued with watching food disappear into people's mouths, books and paper that crinkles, and lamps.  I recently knocked my Mom's book right off the couch!  Here I am studying the lamp on my changing table.
Books are quite interesting too.  
Well, the rest of my day is more of the same - napping, eating, exploring.  The afternoon often includes a walk to the post office, and maybe even the park!
I sure do enjoy having Dad  home in the evening!  Here he is reading a bedtime story.

Well, thanks for reading!  

Sunday, March 17, 2013

2013 Goal Update


For my own benefit and accountability, I thought I would post an update on my progress on the goals I set for the year back in January.  
First course of breakfast at the Mullan House Bed and Breakfast on our weekend getaway
  • Read through the Old Testament - I've been doing pretty well on this goal, at the moment I'm one day behind on a one-year entire Bible reading plan
  • Memorize the book of Ephesians - My ambitiousness has waned on this one - I've only memorized the first nine verses of the first chapter!  I hope to begin making progress on this again soon!  
  • Re-establish a weekly date with my husband, including at least one date a month out of the house without the baby - I think we have been pretty consistent with this (We have missed one week so far this year).  In fact, just this weekend we even got to have a quick one-night getaway to a bed and breakfast.  As our lives become busier with ministry, baby Micah, and Caleb's seminary coursework, setting aside an evening each week to spend time together has become much more valuable for our marriage and is time that we treasure.  We've also gotten more creative this year at finding free or low-cost date night ideas so that we can save a little each month so we can get away for a night once or twice a year like we were able to do recently. 
  • Pray more specifically for my husband every day - Yes, this has become much more of a habit.  And, we've been praying together more too!
  • Read at least two parenting books - Nope, haven't done this yet.
  • Read at least 2 books a month - Yes, I have surprised myself by actually accomplishing this so far - feeding Micah does give me lots of sitting down time to read.  At the top of this post are some of the books I have read so far.  The most helpful has probably been The Happiest Baby on the Block.   
  • Try at least 6 DIY projects - I've tried making yogurt again and it failed...again.  I have been pleased with the homemade nursing pads I made, and I am using cloth wipes now, although instead of making them, I just use baby washcloths I already had been given.  My friend and I made laundry detergent together, and that has been the biggest success so far, and the biggest money-saver.  Plus it was pretty easy! I would roughly estimate that between the those three items, I have saved at least $30-$40 so far this year by not buying the disposable or store-bought versions.  On that note, we also save about $50 a month by using Sunbaby cloth diapers.  Now that's something to get excited about!