Greetings! I have long been intending to begin a blog for a few reasons and here I am finally taking action. My reasons are as follows:
1. I want to stay in closer contact with family and friends, particularly those whom I recently left behind in Western Washington by way of my trek over the mountains (if you had seen how much “stuff” I brought with me, you would agree with my word choice of trek).
2. I have been inspired by friends' blogs and have enjoyed the ability to keep up with their lives in a way somehow more down-to-earth and authentic than Facebook.
3. As referenced above, I have found Facebook to be rather limiting, even though I still think it can be a useful tool and I plan on keeping mine. To over-generalize, Facebook at times seems nothing more than a collection of variations on “pat me on the back for doing so well at such-and-such” or “have a pity party with me about this awful thing that happened”. Relating such short snippets of life through wall posts sometimes paints a rather truncated picture that can be misleading or ambiguous. I have found myself posting less and less on Facebook for this reason. Because of this, I am resolving to try my hand at blog-writing so that I can tell more of the story! I also love the fact that pictures and text can be interspersed in a blog format.
A note about the blog title (Motifs of Home):
If you have known me for any length of time, you probably realize that music is an important part of my life. A musical motif is an element that recurs numerous times throughout a musical composition, whether it is a certain rhythm, melody, or grouping of notes. In other words, it is a theme of some sort. With this definition in mind, I anticipate this blog being a collection of my anecdotes on the various “motifs” of our home life – cooking, sewing, hosting, music-playing, gardening, etc.